Basic Info on Horse Care

Though we usually see horses as strong animals, they require to be handled with care. It doesn’t matter if it’s helping with the farm chores or horse riding, a little TLC goes a long way for a horse’s well-being. After all, a horse treats you with its loyalty and companionship, so the least you can do is give that in return by looking after it.

A way you can do so is by acquiring some basic protection accessories, such as the protective horse boots, for instance. Other than being helpful with keeping your horse safe from the cold weather in winter, they are ideal for keeping it safe from leg injuries too, be it when riding or resting, which is exactly what makes them essential.

Additionally, beside the help of protective horse boots you should consider the usefulness of equi-prene weight rings, necessary to prevent injuries when training. Let’s not forget the annoying insects you have to make sure you get rid of, or even better, prevent them from appearing.

Apart from always providing fresh and clean water, a way to do so is by applying repellents, acquiring fly masks if necessary, as well as getting in the habit of deworming your horse as often as required. In the case with the pastures, it’s important to keep them clean from lawn clippings since they bring all the flies to the yard!

The same goes for the area where your horse lies down; it has to be maintained clean and dry at all times. Of course, hygiene isn’t all there is to it, you also have to think of supplying enough food (by enough we mean neither too little nor too much because horse obesity is real), and by all means, food of quality.

Though treats are highly welcome, they shouldn’t substitute actual food, and if you’re having doubts about which fruits and veggies to give more of, remember to start from a horse’s favourite basics: apples and carrots. While most fruits are good, it’s not the case with vegetables, particularly the nightshade family.

Sugar cubes are allowed as long as they are few (two at most) but when it comes to treats you should avoid, remember to omit potatoes, tomatoes, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, broccoli, lawn clippings, and chocolate from your horse’s menu. If you don’t think the diet has all the needed vitamins and minerals, consider supplements yet to be on the safe side, speak with the vet first.