Citronella No Bark Spray Collar: Safe and Effective Dog Training and Anti Barking Solution

While some dogs bark less than others, barking itself can become a nuisance not just for you, but your neighbours as well. Barking is normal for dogs, but not when it’s excessive. Excessive barking can be a result of your dog being territorial or caused by people which your dog wants to greet even if they’re out on the street.

Sometimes, your dog is just seeking attention or alarming you of some danger that may not be a real danger to you, but rather your dog displaying their natural survival instincts. Your dog could be ill or injured, or it can have anxiety. Whatever the reason is what every new dog owners needs are pet care supplies which also includes a way to train your dog to not bark when unnecessary. The best way to do this is with the help of a no bark citronella collar. This collar prevents your dog from barking by spraying a citronella scent which effectively deters your dog and keeps it quiet.


Do Citronella Collars Work?

The specific scent that a no bark spray collar produces is a highly effective method of stopping or at least reducing nuisance barking. And you might think that spraying citronella at your dog can be uncomfortable or bad but in fact, it isn’t. If used in moderation, a citronella spray for dogs can do no harm or make a dog feel uncomfortable. Only high levels of citronella can be dangerous. You would need to have the collar on at all times for it to be dangerous which shouldn’t be done whatsoever.

woman giving treat to little dog


How to Train Your Dog with a Citronella Collar

Method A

1. The first method or what trainers often call method “A” requires you to first introduce the collar to your dog by attaching it without the spray. This is so your dog gets used to it. Do this for up to three days until you ensure that your dog is comfortable wearing the collar. You can give them lots of treats while your dog is wearing the collar to reinforce positive association.

2. Once your dog feels comfortable with the collar on it, you should pay attention to what causes your dog to start barking. Make sure you have the collar on your dog with the spray on before your dog starts to bark and tell your dog “quiet”. If your dog doesn’t bark, give it a treat. But if it does, the citronella collar will stop the barking after which you should reward your dog with a treat and give lots of praise.

woman high fiving with a white dog


3. When that happens, tell your dog to be quiet again and leave. When your dog starts to bark again and gets stopped by the collar, then give them more treats and lots of praise. Do this until the barking stops. Make sure to repeat this method on subsequent days to help your dog learn that barking is not the way to get a treat.

Method B

1. This method is simpler since it doesn’t require you to be as attentive. All you need to do is to have your dog in a situation where it will start to bark. With the spray ready, tell your dog to be quiet and when it starts barking put the collar on.

2. Do not scold your dog, just make sure you tell it to be quiet once the collar is on. Now, when your dog starts barking it will be interrupted by the collar. Do not offer treats or praise, instead leave your dog until 2 minutes have passed without any barking.

3. Then and only then will you reappear and play with your dog or give it treats or both. After that, remove the collar from your dog and tell it to be quiet. Repeat the whole process and only praise and play with your dog after it has gone without barking for a longer period.

Labrador puppy eating out of hand sunset


General Rules

Make sure to approach your dog with the collar in a patient and friendly manner. You should never create fear or a disliking of the collar. Use the collar more as a reminder than as a form of punishment. Ensure that you train your dog with no people or other distractions around, except for those that trigger the barking.

A no bark spray collar should only be used when teaching your dog when it’s okay to bark, supported with adequate verbal training. This is unless your dog is ill-behaving severely and thus, requires drastic measures. You should continue the training until you have your dog’s bark corrected. Do not aim to eliminate barking altogether, as you probably won’t. At the end of the day, dogs will do what dogs always do, seek cuddles and bark. It’s always better to start training your dog at a young age, as they’re more susceptible to learning when they’re puppies.