Dental Filling as the Ideal Restorative Treatment for Tooth Decay Issues

Poor oral hygiene, smoking and eating junk food are just some of the things that can cause plaque and tartar to invade your teeth and ruin your dental health. When you don’t brush and clean your teeth regularly all sorts of bacteria will thrive on them, which eventually form into a sticky, colourless layer of bacteria know as dental plaque, which is usually the main reason for cavities and gum infection. If left untreated, the build-up of plaque on your teeth can lead to more serious dental problems such as periodontal disease, gingivitis and tooth loss.

Toothache, enhanced tooth sensitivity to cold or hot drinks, yellow or brown stains on the surface of a tooth are just some of the signs that plaque and cavities have started to ruin your dental health. To avoid further damage on your teeth, you should schedule a dental appointment at a reputable clinic where a professional dental practitioner can examine your teeth and recommend a treatment for your specific dental problem. Designed to restore the beauty and function of teeth damaged by decay, dental filings are the best restorative dental treatment for oral health problems like cavities and plaque. They can also be used for restoring the shape of cracked or broken teeth.


To determine if you’re a suitable candidate for this type of restorative dental treatment, your dentist will consider the extent of the damage, the location where the filling should be placed and whether you’re allergic to certain materials. The treatment is usually completed in a single dental visit, but more appointments may also be required if more teeth have been damaged by plaque and decay. The filling procedure is often done under a local anaesthesia that numbs the area around the decayed teeth. The dentist can use various instruments to remove the decayed area including an air abrasion tool, a drill and some dental clinics have special lasers for this purpose that can remove tartar and plaque quickly and easily.

After the tartar is removed the next step is to prepare the tooth for a filling. In order to achieve this, the dentist will remove any remaining debris and cavities and give the tooth the required shape for the type of filling that will be used to restore its shape and function. There are various types of fillings that differ in material, durability and price. Amalgam fillings are highly resistant and the least expensive filling type. The only downside is their dark colour, which doesn’t look very appealing and that’s why they are not the best option for treating front decayed teeth.

Due to their durability and natural appearance, porcelain fillings are the most popular, but also one of the more expensive types of fillings. They are bounded to the damaged teeth as to improve their shape and appearance. Porcelain is a durable material that is highly resistant to staining and can be made to match the colour of your natural teeth. Fillings that are made of composite resins (plastic) can match the colour of your teeth as well, but they are not as durable as porcelain and may chip and brake overtime. While porcelain fillings can last for 10 years and more (if cared for properly), whereas plastic fillings are usually expected to last between 3 to 5 years.