Healthy Beverage: Info on Green Tea

Green tea is one of the many beverages that have served us well for centuries. It’s a type of refreshing beverage that gives a good start to the day while providing us with a number of other health-related benefits. This tea has been present since 2737 BC (5000 years ago) in ancient China.

The discovery of this tea is pretty fascinating according to the legend. It is said that this same year, the emperor of that time, Shen Nung, discovered the tea when a few leaves from a wild tree ended up in his pot of boiling water, and when he sipped the water in a cup he was instantly enchanted by its flavour and taste. Ever since, the drink has become popular and a favourite drink by many people.

Types of Green Teas


Nowadays, we get the chance to enjoy the array of green tea leaves that promise to provide you with a different experience. They look and feel different, so browsing through the many types can help you make your choice. You can either use them one by one, or choose several and mix them together to obtain a more unique experience.


This is one of the most popular types of drink and is prepared by brewing whole green tea leaves in hot water. The green leaf types of this kind must be previously processed, and the thing that makes this tea unique is the sweetness and lightness. Coming from nature, it is said that this tree is rich in vitamin C which is why it is also recommended when having a cold or flu.


Matcha tea is made of quality leaves which are dried and milled into a fine powder in a luminous green colour. Once in a powdery form, you can mix it with hot boiling water and enjoy its amazing taste, benefits and colour. Speaking of benefits, when prepared like this, matcha tea can provide you with many of them and they are extremely beneficial for the skin and body. Drinking this tea will provide you with healthy and radiant skin and a body that is clean of any toxins and chemicals.


When looking for bitter teas, green Bancha is a winner for sure. Unlike the other types, this one is less fragrant and is more bitter which makes it the perfect substitute after a meal. The main reason for its bitterness is its high levels of fluoride and this compound seems perfect for treating tooth decay and reducing bad breath.


When compared to Bancha, this one is certainly more flavourful, aromatic and less bitter. It has a higher percentage of amino acids in its core which is the main reason for its sweetness and full-bodied flavour. These types of teas are just a part of the many offered on the market, and for having a full experience don’t hesitate to try as many types as possible. This, in fact, is the only way to find the types that treat your taste buds the most. Whatever type of tea you choose, you can either drink it in its pure form or sweeten it with a sweetener of your choice.


Improved Heart Health

Given the fact that green types of teas contain lots of antioxidants, it seems that they can improve your heart health and prevent heart diseases. Practice shows that drinking any green tea regularly can also prevent and reduce the risk of high blood pressure.

Possible Weight Loss

This hot beverage contains catechin epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) which is flavonoid linked to reducing the chances of gaining weight. Thanks to it, you may start seeing small changes in your metabolism that may lead to losing weight and fat. You just need to be well aware of the fact that this tea isn’t a magical pill on which you can rely entirely for losing all the excess weight from your body. No! What you should do instead is to drink it, balance your diet and exercise for greater and faster results.

Managed Blood Sugar

Thanks to the catechin epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) contained in its leaves, this tea also seems great in reducing the chances of developing diabetes. Consuming this tea regularly will help you reduce blood sugar which makes it the ideal solution for people with diabetes. However, those of you with a diagnosis of diabetes shouldn’t entirely rely on the use of green tea solely for improving your issue.

Can I Drink Green Tea Every Day?


Given the fact that this tea is low on calories and contains less caffeine than any sort of black tea or coffee, you can drink it daily without having to worry about your heart rate going up because of too much caffeine. However, if you plan on consuming everything stated above, you really should cut out something to avoid sleep deprivation caused by caffeine.