Whether you are starting up a new restaurant or you already have years of experience in the hospitality business, you are probably well aware that the appearance of food and how it is presented is just as important as its taste and flavour. The first impression is actually one of the most important factors that will either attract or reject customers in regard to choosing a specific meal. Even the most simple meal can feel fancy if it is arranged in the right way.
With the rise of millennial generation consumers, appearance is even more important since they are more likely to share their experience online by posting a photo and/or a comment, which today has a greater impact than the spoken word.
There are some basic rules in arranging food that you need to follow in order to make a certain meal visually appealing, but the plate is the foundation from which you present the food to the customers.
Today you can find a huge variety of serving plates online. They come in different shapes, sizes, colours and materials and they can be delivered right to your doorstep in any amount you need.
The choice of plates can make or break a restaurant. This is why you need to pay attention to certain features when choosing serving plates online. While aesthetics is very important, so is the quality of the plates. You need to make sure that they are durable and easy to maintain, because no matter how tasty a meal is, if you serve it in a dirty or a worn-out plate, people will definitely not be eager to taste it.
Here are a few plates that are a perfect example of balanced quality and aesthetics.
The Round Coupe Plate 290mm Chelsea
has a smooth white finish and a brilliant shine. Chelsea is the biggest individual collection of porcelain ware Australia wide. It is double glazed and fired at temperatures higher than normal. It is highly resistant to chipping and scratches, which makes this product very durable and ideal for commercial use.
The Luzerne New Bone Rectangular Plate With Handle Charcoal 310mm
is designed to impress the customer and to enhance the dining experience. It is stronger than traditional bone and it has a high tolerance for variations in temperature. Though it has a highly unusual design, it is very functional and offers a bold statement for modern cuisine and an exciting canvas to work with.
La Tapa Round Dish 160mm is 100%
toxin-free without any chemical glaze or lead clay. Though it requires some special care, each piece is hand moulded and shaped which makes this dish a real contemporary piece of art.